车主之家 刘君 2020-07-13 14:22
MANSORY GRONOS dominates terrain and road
While the god Cronos lead the twelve Titans, MANSORY has created the new master of eight and twelve cylinders in lavish carbon handiwork. The creation, based on the Mercedes-Benz G 63 AMG and G 65 AMG model, therefore bears the name of GRONOS.
克罗诺斯(Cronos)神领导十二个泰坦巨人的同时,迈莎锐(MANSORY)则用大量的碳手工制作了八缸和十二缸的新主人。因此,基于梅赛德斯-奔驰G 63 AMG和G 65 AMG模型的作品以GRONOS为名。
The MANSORY interior programme
We have transformed the interior into a throne room, providing clear vision of the road as well as well-deserved comfort. It boasts prime materials such as the finest pristine leather of the highest grade, flawless fine woods, and, of course, only perfectly produced carbon fibre.
The MANSORY wheel collection
To overcome any obstacle in your way, we chose 23-inch forged wheels, which are fitted with ultra-high-performance 305/35/23 tyres. At the back the rear spoiler in a new design and of course the spare wheel cover made of carbon fibre round off the transformation of the GRONOS.
The MANSORY performance programme
The engine can now take a deeper breath thanks to the newly designed exhaust system from the manifold right up to the double stainless steel exhaust tips, which poke out before the rear wheels, resulting in superior performance characteristics. The GRONOS reaches an impressive 840 hp (618 kW), while the maximum torque is raised to an electronically-limited 1,000 Nm.
新设计的排气系统,从歧管一直到双不锈钢排气嘴,使引擎现在可以更加呼吸,该排气系统在后轮之前拨出,从而具有卓越的性能。 GRONOS达到了令人印象深刻的840 hp(618 kW),最大扭矩提高到了电子极限1,000 Nm。
MANSORY旗下各大超豪华车接受国内定制改装。车型品牌涵盖:阿斯顿马、奥迪、宾利、法拉利、兰博基尼、路特斯、玛莎拉蒂、迈凯伦、梅赛德斯-奔驰、劳斯莱斯、保时捷、路虎、特斯拉等。MANSORY迈莎锐·中国,VIP定制专线:15068841456 高经理
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