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车主之家 刘君 2020-07-13 14:20

   957 Cayenne


   The MANSORY customization programme for the Porsche Cayenne 957


   A bold SUV, bringing an equilibrium of luxury and sporty looks. But in order for the driving experience to be truly remarkable, MANSORY bolstered the Porsche Cayenne 957 with additional makeovers that will warm the heart of all petrolheads.

   大胆的SUV,带来豪华与运动外观的平衡。但是为了使驾驶体验真正卓越,MANSORY进行了额外的改头换面,使保时捷Cayenne 957更加坚固,从而温暖了所有汽油头的心脏。


   The MANSORY interior programme

   We created a perfect symbiosis between dynamic functionality and luxurious ambience. Perfect decorative stitches on the instrument panel and the seats made of extremely soft leather are surely going to set the trends in design.




   The MANSORY wheel collection

   Wheels and running gear – the components for the best road grip and an excellent look. MANSORY developed its dynamically elegant rim design especially for the requirements of the Cayenne. The 5-spoke monoblock wheel is convincing and exclusive.


   车轮和行走装置–最佳抓地力和外观的组件。 MANSORY特别针对Cayenne的要求开发了动态优雅的轮辋设计。 5辐整体式轮毂令人信服且独具一格。


   The MANSORY performance programme

   A striking improvement of the engine performance, a high-performance manifold and two exhaust tips produce a thrilling sonorous sound that will match the unique look. The racing springs set will allow you to bring out the best in your Cayenne.




   MANSORY旗下各大超豪华车接受国内定制改装。车型品牌涵盖:阿斯顿马、奥迪、宾利、法拉利、兰博基尼、路特斯、玛莎拉蒂、迈凯伦、梅赛德斯-奔驰、劳斯莱斯、保时捷、路虎、特斯拉等。MANSORY迈莎锐·中国,VIP定制专线:15068841456 高经理
